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Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am struggling with boots, any suggestions?
    When preparing make sure you have the right boots and socks. It is fully suggested that your boot size is a full size larger than you normally wear. The reason is each foot will pound the pavement 25,000 times each day. That means your boot needs to have space for your foot to slightly swell. So choose your boots and socks carefully.
  • I see the Danes taking their boots off at every rest stop why do they do this?
    They do this for two important reasons. 1. For a cooling off period to reduce blisters. 2. To allow socks to dry or to even change socks. They also all take their jackets off to allow the drying of undergarments and cooling off. A cooling off period for your feet and body will significantly reduce blisters and fatigue.
  • The Military finishes at Charlemagne. Do we need to march the Via Gladiola?
    Military is not required to do the via Gladiola, but to not do so is a great loss. The via Gladiola is the final celebration with over 250,000 spectators cheering the finishers through the last steps. As an Official Military Delegation, the US marchers should proudly march the via Gladiola passing the reviewing stand in formation in the city center. There are General Officers, Ambassadors, Mayors, Kings and Queens, and other dignitaries saluting the military as they pass. It is a way for senior officials and the public to thank our militaries for what they have sacrificed in the past and what they do in the present to ensure peace. For those in pain, perhaps marching the last 5.5km and hearing spectators call our name, give us high-fives, hugging us in thanks and cheering us on is priceless. This is the military's Super-Bowl, nowhere else in the world will you get over two million spectators cheering you on during a four day period!
  • Where does the parade take place?
    The parade starts and ends at Nijmegen, Netherlands. Get ready for an unforgettable march through the beautiful Dutch countryside!
  • How can I volunteer for the Four Days March?
    We're always looking for volunteers to help make the Four Days March a success. Sign up on our website and be a part of this iconic event!
  • What time does the parade start and end each day?
    The parade starts at 4am and ends at 8pm each day. Make sure you're there early to get a good spot and enjoy the show!
  • Can my family meet me?
    Only military personnel are allowed on Camp Heumensoord. Families are welcome to watch you along the route or meet you at Charlemagne to see you get your medal. Keep in mind most roads are closed during the event and it may require them to walk a significant distance to get there.
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